Saturday, January 3, 2009

Drive a Hummer...for your Children's Children!

First of all, I don't think we should be doing anything for our children's children...because I don't think children should be having sex.

But if you don't take that statement too literally...and you are talking about the next two generations of people then I have some advice for us all.

Drive a Hummer. Well, it doesn't have to be a Hummer. It can be any inefficeint vehicle. Why? Haven't you heard the destruction the CO2 emissions are causing? Global Climate change! Greenhouse gasses!

So, here's my solution. There is only a fixed amount of oil left in the world. So, we need to burn it all up as fast as possible. Only then will alternative fuels be competative in the marketplace. Once we burn up all the fossil fuels, we will be forced to go green...and we'll have the paradise on earth that Al Gore is promising.

One of the ways we can burn all the oil up quicker is to have LOTS OF BABIES and give them all hummers to help in the cause. (when they are old enough to drive...we'll lower the driving age to 14) .Our generation may not be able to burn up all the fuel it is up to our children to burn up the remaining fuel so that our children's children can have a clean world to live in.

We may not be able to burn all of it up...but if we burn enough of it, it will cause whatever remains to be really expensive. It's all supply and demand economics.
But if you think about it, there's no way we're going to stop the Chinese from burning gas...or the rest of the we might as well bite the bullet and try to burn it up as fast as we can.
Paradise might be closer than we think.


Jill said...

Uh oh Spaghetti O's! :)
Great blog! I enjoy reading it when you post new things! I hope you are doing well and your office is doing great! I read Laura's blog often and love your kids! They are so sweet and adorable!
Take care~

The Lucksters said...

Thanks foe the 2 new thought provoking posts.
I also like reading what you are thinking. People may have thought you were in a coma.

Anonymous said...

Jack Handy. He'll always be synonymous with Dave Alvord. haha