Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hussein Obama? A Little too Ironic

Let's not jinx ourselves!

I am truly sorry! We really could have forgiven the similarity of "Obama" to "Usama". And "Barack"? I don't know any Baracks...but that would have been okay too. But your middle name is HUSSEIN? Barack Hussein Obama? It's just a little too ironic!
In Alanis Morrisette's song "Isn't it Ironic", she seems to have a hard time actually citing any examples of irony. For example: "It's a black fly in your Chardonnay". That isn't actually ironic...it would have been ironic if the person with the bug in his drink was an Orkin man.
Or, "it's like rain...on your wedding day". Again, only truly ironic if the person is a weatherman and had forcast clear skies.
Yet, we forgive you Alanis! What can I say, it was a catchy song. We even forgive your weird name "Alanis". It's the lost city of Atlantis, spoken by a person with a numb tongue (trust me, I know what that sounds like).
But let me get this straight. The next president of the United States, the man who will take over as commander-in-chief for the war on terror, has a name that resembles not one...but both of the central figures of that war!
So the man who is going to get Usama is Obama?
The man who will fix the problems started by Hussein is Hussein?
The Same guy who wants to get us back on "t'rack is Barack?
There is an irony-threshold that we as Americans can handle. If that threshold was ever crossed it would unleash all kinds of chaos and conspiracy theories. Barack would be such a historical oddity that I worry that textbooks would spontaneously light on fire! If Hussein Obama actually got Usama, it would nessesitate that congress mandate a new word for irony be intoduced to represent this new super-irony. It would be so difficult to describe this second level of irony that there would have to be graduate courses devoted to it. Only Stephen Hawking could actually understand it.
So let's not jinx ourselves out of getting Usama!
"and isn't it ironic...don't ya think? A little too ironic...and yea, I really do think!"


Anonymous said...


Your best post yet. I love it.

Anonymous said...

What the..?! Dude, I thought I could at least respect your posts, whether I agreed or not, because they are ususally written with a little intelligance, but this is a bit far man.

Seriously if your only complaint with the guy is his name, you've got your own issues to deal with. The fact is, Barack Obama is good people- a good Christian with good values, and I trust him to do what he feels is right for the country- not just what's right for him or his administration (as many have done).

If you want to attack the guy- focus on his lack of experience- not his name.

Having said that- your sarcasm is not entirely lost on me, but lets be real with these political discussions rather than convoluting the issues with NON-issues.

If its between Mitt and Barack, its gunna be a tough choice for me.

David Alvord said...

Of course my only complaint isn't his name! But it is funny...you have to admit. He is a democrat...and therefore a common enemy. BTW, don't take life so seriously!

Anonymous said...

You're a hoot! Don't commit suicide anytime soon, ya' hear dentist boy? Osama Hussain, that's a hoot.

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how naïve the western world have become, Mr. Obama kept his father’s name Hussein which is the name of one of the two grandchildren of profit Mohamed.
Mr. Obama is going to be the leader of the western world and in the forefront of fighting Islamic extremism, not changing his name is significant and a statement that he still has compassion towards Islam and his father’s family in Kenya.
St. Paul changed his name from Soul to send a clear and unambiguous message that he did shed his Jewish inheritance and was born again in Christ.
It will be the biggest mistake for the western world if we elected a leader that has shown lack of decisiveness even in his religious affiliation.
I am sorry but even his mother that have decided to get married twice to two Muslim gentlemen sends the wrong message that Mr. Obama’s commitment to waging a war against Islamic terrorists can be questioned.

Anonymous said...

I really hope he gets some real change and gets all those Israeli neo cons out of the white house .